Keeping Lincoln neighborhoods clean for 50 years
We take pride in doing a great job for the neighborhoods we service. We do things that most garbage companies do not do, such as take the toters and cans back up to your house, pick up litter on the streets as we go along, and take almost anything you want to throw away.
Taking care of our neighbors and community is what we do best, and what we love.
Our Services
239,820 pounds- 119.91 tons
Resources Conserved 2020:
1,159 Trees
477,288 Gallons of Water
95,458 lbs of Air Pollution
279,554 kW Hours of Electricity
225 cu yd of Landfill Space
Your trusted garbage & recycling service since 1974
“Love your tribute to your parents/grandparents. Lee and Wayne were wonderful people and enjoyed reading about them. Wayne had great vision and courage to leave California and return to Nebraska. They were both great friends of mine and are sorely missed”
“Thank you to your employees. The people that pick up in my neighborhood are so nice, friendly, and helpful. I really appreciate all they do,”
“We put a bunch of evergreen tree clippings out with the trash this morning and we are so appreciative of the crew for taking it all, we know it was a pain. We have always loved the service from L&W - and today made us appreciate it even more. Thank you!”